반갑습니다. 북코치 스테파니아입니다.
제가 낭독을 만난지 벌써 4년이라는 시간이 흘렀네요. 낭독을 만나기 전까지 저란 사람은 인생을 보다 ‘빨리’, 보다 ‘많이’에 치중하며 자신을 들들 볶으면서 살았습니다. 당연히 독서도 자기계발에 치중해 있었죠. 코로나로 달려가기만 하던 저의 일상이 완전히 사라지고 할 일이 없어서 헤매고 있을때, 느리다고 멀리 했던 더구나 힘들게 소리까지 내어야 하는 낭독을 만난거죠.
그 낭독은 단순히 소리 내어 읽는 것이 아니었어요.
묵독이나 속독보다는 책이 주는 메시지와 더 깊게 만날 수 있었어요.
‘낭독’에는 분명한 힘이 있습니다.
낭독은 내면에 숨어있는 ‘나’를 끄집어 내어 ‘나자신’을 표현할 수 있게 해주더라구요.
늘 쉽게 주저앉곤 하던 저에게 자신감도 불어넣어 주고요.
낭독은 완성이 아니라 더 깊어지는 성장의 과정입니다.
낭독을 하다가 보면 책과 더불어 인생을 만납니다. 연결, 소통, 공감, 배려, 치유, 사랑 등의 단어들과 저절로 연결이 된답니다. 낭독으로 나를 만나고 나를 사랑하게 되어요. 아주 아주 찐한 인생의 참친구가 되어준답니다.
낭독의 매력에 빠져들면서 새로운 꿈이 꿈틀거리기 시작했습니다. 나 혼자만의 낭독이 아니라 내가 만난 낭독을 나누고 싶다는 생각을 지울 수가 없어 K. Reading Aloud 를 시작합니다. 계속 계속 업데이트 해 나가겠습니다.
K. Reading Aloud 에서 여러분의 취향에 따라, 상황에 따라 다양한 낭독독서 프로그램을 통해 낭독을 만나보시길 바랍니다
◆ 북코치 스테파니아를 소개합니다
50년 음악인생에서 낭독으로 제2의 인생을 만들어가고 있습니다.
현) 낭독독서법 코치, 인문고전독서지도사, 북내레이터, 홈레코딩 강사, 브런치스토리작가, 한국웰니스낭독협회이사
Hello. I am Stepania, the book coach.
It's already been four years since I encountered reading aloud. Before discovering it, I was a person who focused on doing things 'faster' and 'more', constantly pushing myself in life. Naturally, my reading was also centered on self-improvement. When my usual routine of constantly rushing disappeared completely due to COVID, and I was wandering with nothing to do, I encountered reading aloud, which I had previously avoided for being slow and requiring the extra effort of vocalizing.
But you know what~
Reading aloud turned out to be more than just reading out loud.
I was able to connect more deeply with the message of the book than through silent reading or speed reading.
There is a definite power in 'reading aloud'.
Reading aloud allowed me to bring out the 'me' hidden inside and express 'myself'.It also instilled confidence in me, someone who used to give up easily.
Reading aloud is not a completion, but a process of deeper growth.
As you read aloud, you encounter life along with the book. It naturally connects with words like connection, communication, empathy, consideration, healing, and love. Through reading aloud, you meet yourself and learn to love yourself. It becomes a very, very close true friend in life.
"By consistently reading good books of various genres aloud, you can become a master of expression."
- The Power of Reading Aloud - Im Mi-jin
As I fell into the charm of reading aloud, a new dream began to stir. I couldn't shake off the thought of wanting to share the reading aloud I had encountered, not just for myself, but with people living abroad like me.
When you read aloud~
You can find your 'true self' through healing recitation that awakens your five senses. Although it may seem slow at first, you can have a more memorable reading experience than reading faster and more. You can achieve the dual benefits of increasing lung capacity and improving your voice. By reading excerpts by author or theme, you can examine writing styles and improve your own writing. Your communication skills can improve with authentic and confident speech that can breathe life into words. We can also train our brains with a positive mindset. Above all, you can find vitality in your daily life by briefly escaping the routine of living abroad. For those going through menopause, those who want to improve memory and concentration, those dreaming of a second life after their children have grown up, and others who want to be filled with Stephania's love for recitation, and those curious about recitation I hope we can all meet through the art of reading aloud.
Introducing Book Coach Stepania
After a 50-year career in music, Helen is now creating her second life through reading aloud.Current positions:
- Reading Aloud Coach
- Humanities and Classics Reading Coach
- Book Narrator
- Home Recording Instructor
- Brunch Story Writer
- Director of the Korean Wellness Reading Association
- President of the Korean-American Reading Association in the United States
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